A Mile in My Shoes

Posted by April Butler on

Until you have seen life through my eyes,

Traveled the path of my steps, 

Hear the words these ears heard,

Felt the sensations my skin and soul has felt....

You may never know why I love, so fiercely, 

Why my pursuit for creation and happiness is so great, 

Why the pursuit of my dreams is never ending,

Why I put my needs first,

Why I take time for myself as needed,

Why I always take the opportunity to laugh instead of sit on anger,

Why I cannot allow my heart to harbor unforgiveness and hate, 

Or why I would rather have the realest version of all that I come in contact with. 

I understand what it's like to feel shame of life, and the experiences I've had. Often times allowing my journey to cripple me, instead of propel me into my greatness. Why feel shame or guilt for things you couldn't control, or things you can never change? 

We all have seen things that others could not see. 

Felt things that others could not feel. 

Heard things that others could not hear. 

Walked through doors that others simply could never enter. 

Endured stress, pain and trauma, that others could never fathom. 

Take pride in your journey.

Heal from your journey.

Grow from your journey.

Learn from your journey. 

Love yourself a little harder every day through your journey.

It's your journey, make the best out of it. 

Stay strong! 

Be encouraged 💚


Aprile Reltuh

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